Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Clark County 'Dirt' Map: Only 16.5 months in the making....1.5 months to go.

Despite combining this monsterous map with just a few other mapping 'efforts' this thing may actually get finished! 

Note that this is the generalized version. Still working on the detailed version. Will be describing this project and the value of 'supervised Crowd-sourcing for rapid geologic map development' at the Digital Mapping Techniques workshop in Sacramento next Monday.

Nevada Digital Dirt Mapping Project Team members:
Rachel Wearne
Larry Garside
Alan Ramelli
Joanna Redwine
Ronna Bowers
Jason Man
Michell Rose
Luis Rodriguez
Molly Hunsaker
Dan Kozar
Rohit Patil
Justin Skord
Jim Trexler
Pat Cashman
Jill Heaton.

Yes...there are some problem areas. Relax. We know about them.

Posted via email from Fresh Geologic Froth

Saturday, May 8, 2010

State of the Map: Clark County, NV

Again, significant progress to report. Thanks to Dirt Mapping team
co-leader Heather Green for keeping things in line while I panic about
too many other projects.

Posted via email from Fresh Geologic Froth

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Clark County Seven Ways

An example of the array of base imagery that we are using to build the
surficial geologic map of the county. Some look far better (and some
far worse) at larger scale.

Posted via email from Fresh Geologic Froth