Thank you for your interest in our endeavor.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
This blog has run its course.
Thank you for your interest in our endeavor.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Wow. I may just get my life back soon.
So, this happened.
A big day for the is complete enough to submit. In
celebration, I urged a colleague at a similar institution to help me
go live with the map.
You can temporarily view it here:
Now, to finish that darn report by 3 PM tomorrow.
Monday, June 28, 2010
1000s of miles of lines...
The colorful map shows the compiled linework that we started with.
Much was extensively modified to better illustrate the array of
surficial geologic deposits. The redline map shows the final
(preliminary) result of the modification and the addition of many,
many, many additional lines. Note that we simplified the bedrock.
Thus, some of the line density decreased as well.
Three representations of the Clark County DirtMap
detailed, to genetic category, to fundamental category.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Holy freaking crap, it's a freaking map!
The Dirt Map Correlation Chart....Revised
This is getting closer. Have had to impose a moratorium on additional mapping at 3 PM tomorrow. today. Working on the report.